Meet the Principal – Príomhoide Teresa


Welcome to Carrigtwohill CNS. Our aim is to prepare kind, caring, socially conscious, critically-thinking, independent young citizens of the future. We do this by implementing the National Curriculum as set out by the Department of Education, all the while being mindful of the unique ethos of the Community National School – an inclusive, multi-denominational school that strives for equality and excellence in education.
Inclusivity underpins everything we do in Carrigtwohill CNS with each child, parent and family being valued equally. As a multi-denominational school we seek to nurture the beliefs of children of all faiths and none, and work closely with parents and community faith leaders. We recognise the role of parents as equal partners in the process of education and frequently draw on the talents and skills of our parent body to supplement the teacher’s work. These elements, combined with a determination to help each child achieve their potential, not just academically but as a person, are what makes Scoil Chlíodhna what it is!

I joined Carrigtwohill CNS in September 2016 and I love my job! We have a fantastic community in the school and I count myself very lucky to be part of it.

Here are some of my favourite things:
Colour: Blue
Animal: Zebras
Season: Summer or winter!
Favourite fruit: Avocado
Favourite vegetable: Broccoli
Favourite drink: Tea
Favourite hobbies: Reading, running, baking